Welcome to my blog, I am off to Africa for a book bus adventure from August

to December 2011 and this blog will keep you up to date about my preparations

and the adventures I have during my time away.

Saturday 28 May 2011

More about my trip

Hey all thought I would fill you in about more about my trip.
I will spending about half my time in the wonderful country of Zambia and half my time in the beautiful Malawi. I will be visiting a variety of urban and rural schools to work with small groups of children to develop their interest and love for reading.
Through the project we are able to return to the same schools a number of times to begin to build relationships and see the progress the children are making.
Class sizes in these countries can be up to 200 children to 1 teacher and therefore giving the children an opportunity to work in small group with an adult can really make a difference to their education.

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