Welcome to my blog, I am off to Africa for a book bus adventure from August

to December 2011 and this blog will keep you up to date about my preparations

and the adventures I have during my time away.

Sunday 31 July 2011

One week to go

With only one week to go until I fly to Zambia, I just wanted to saya huge thank you for all your support towards my trip. I have had some great words of encouragement and lots of sponsorship.
BUT its not too late there are a number of days left, particularly in October if you still want to sponsor me or set me a challenge.

Thank you to the children in my class for all the lovely pictures x

Thursday 21 July 2011

Books, books, books

Check out the amazing books the children at my school have written for me to take on my trip. They are such great stories!

Sunday 17 July 2011

Thank you

Thank you so much to Georgia and Daisy for raising £4.93 towards my trip by completing their own sponsored silence.
Thanks girls you are amazing.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Cake Sale

Thank you to everyone who made cakes for my school cake sale.
It went really well and I raised over £200.
A special thank you to my wonderful class who helped me wrap and sell all the cakes.
CN6 you are amazing xx

Thursday 7 July 2011

Thanks for the awesome challenges

Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored me for a day or donated money. I love the challenges I have been set they are so varied and I know will make my trip so memorable.
There are a number of days left if you still want to challenge me, unfortunately I am not technical enough to let you be able to select your own day on the calendar so you will have to just let me know your chosen and day and challenge.
You can pay by setting up a google account or just send/ give me the money if you prefer.
Thanks again for all your support and here is a updated calendar so you can choose a day that is left.

x x x x

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Thank you

Thank you to my lovely family and friends for all your support and donations for my bootsale. Els and I held our second one on Sunday and again raised lots of money for my trip and met some awesome people.