Welcome to my blog, I am off to Africa for a book bus adventure from August

to December 2011 and this blog will keep you up to date about my preparations

and the adventures I have during my time away.

Monday 14 November 2011

This week at school

Lion masks we made at the orphanage with some very excited standard one to threes
So the last week has been a really interesting one at schools. Last Friday we went to a Juvenile reform centre for boys aged 7 to 15. All the boys had committed crimes ranging in seriousness. One boy had been sent there after stealing from his parents. Teaching here was a real challenge as many of the boys had missed out on many years of education so there were many 14 and 15 years olds in the very first years of school. We were not expecting this and some of the boys didn't look too impressed at us reading the books aimed at much younger kids, but they seemed to warm up a bit when we got the parachute out for games.
Then later in the week we took a trip further down south towards the border to stay at an orphanage for a night. It was an amazing experience and the owners Pam and Will do a great job with well over 100 children in a very small space. The children were amazing, they had great English and a really good understanding of what they were reading which I haven't found in any other school in Africa. Finally before we left they sung to us I think they would have continued performing all afternoon if we had been able to let them.
This week we are back to our local schools allow everyday is a bit of an unknown now as to weather we can get to the rural schools we are planning to visit due to the rain.
Thats all for now, can't believe I will be home in 4 weeks, miss you all lots xx

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