Welcome to my blog, I am off to Africa for a book bus adventure from August

to December 2011 and this blog will keep you up to date about my preparations

and the adventures I have during my time away.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Hello from Malawi

Hey Eveyone
So sorry it has been so long since I have written, the internet connection has not been great and unfortunately I am still not able to put up any more photos but will try and add some more when I am at home in only 5 weeks!!!!
So heres the catch up for the last 6 weeks!

Two weeks by the lake
So after 2 days travelling across Zambia and Malawi we arrived near Monkey Bay on Lake Malawi. We camped on the beach with the most beautiful views and visited some wonderful schools in the area. We were also able to donate 5000 books to children and school libraries around the lake which was amazing. My favourite school was an orphange called Moet where the children were just beautiful and were very determined to teach me the local language. During the weekend we also had a chance to go to the Lake of Stars festival which included artists from across Africa and around the world. It was AWESOME!

Croc Valley
The following week we spent back in Zambia at a campsite called Croc Valley. We camped next to river with crocodiles, hippos and elephants walking around. The most amaing day was spent getting up at 5.00 to see the sunrise over the river bed with 18 elephants crossing, I am so sad I can't put the picture up now! We also then went to a preschool where the day turned into a party with hat making, balloons, lollies and parachute games. What a day! During our free time this week we got to hang out in the elephant friendly pool, go on a night safari and see an amazing play performed by a local drama group who aim to tackle difficult issues such as Aids and Malaria with the local people.

The following week we travelled back to Malawi and down to Fishermans Rest which overlooks the Shire Valley, 20km from Blantyre and this has been our permenant home for the last 3 weeks and will be my home for the next 5. We stay in the most beatiful cottage and bush hides with Antelope walking around the grounds and the most amazing views and sunsets I have ever seen. It also means I now have a bed!!!!!
The schools here in Malawi are much larger than Zambia and even poorer so I really feel like the book bus will make a huge difference to the children here as the programme gets more established. We have had some great welcomes to every school and children are wonderful. My favourite school so far was pretty rural where the children had little to no English and I doubt they had seen many white people before, but after a slow start we left with the whole school smiling, shouting and waving.

I have many more tales to tell but that is all for now and I have to go and prepare my lessons for tommorrow. I will try and blog again soon.
Miss you all lots xx

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