Welcome to my blog, I am off to Africa for a book bus adventure from August

to December 2011 and this blog will keep you up to date about my preparations

and the adventures I have during my time away.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

I am in Zambia

Hello Everyone

So I arrived in Zambia on Sunday and it is now Wednesday afternoon. Have had a great time so far, I have settled in so well and loving my trips out on the bus. 
I am staying at a campsite called Grubby's grotto in Livingstone, its pretty basic and sleeping in tent is taking so adjusting to. Particularly due to the 3am trains and howling dogs, but thats Africa!

Have been out for the past days to a village school about half an hour outside of Livingstone where the children work for up to an hour to be there. Its holiday time in Zambia at the moment too so we are running a book bus holiday club which involves telling stories and lots of craft activities. The kids are amazing and its great to see there confidence growing even after just 3 days.

Also took part in a drumming workshop last night which was awesome!
Pictures and a Zambian mobile number will hopefully follow soon.

Claire xxx


  1. Glad to hear all is going well so far...don't suppose the drumming was in National Dress?! Alison x

  2. No national dress just yet sorry!

  3. Hi Claire, really enjoyed reading your blog-tis such a fab place am missing it already. Was lovely to meet you and hope to catch up and hear all your stories when you are back in the UK.

    Love to all book busers,

    Amy Turtle xxx
